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Virtual PNP Training Classes – September 2020

Next week the City of Phoenix police have another online PNP class in case you have friends or neighbors interested. The class is 2 parts and will be held on September 16 and 17 from 5pm to 7pm each night on Webex.

Anyone interested should send an email to to get registered, only people registered will receive the login info.

Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol Program
Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol has long supported the notion that involved residents are the most effective crime fighters, reporting suspicious activity as it occurs. This program allows residents to become more actively involved as partners in crime prevention. They are the Phoenix Police Department’s “Eyes and Ears!”

The Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol Program began in 1994 as Block Watchers on Patrol and was associated with the Block Watch McGruff logo. In 1995 P.N.P. members donated over 5,468 hours of their time patrolling their neighborhoods. By 2004, they spent over 26,000 hours and traveled 77,490 miles assisting the police officers of the City of Phoenix Police Department by driving through their neighborhoods and watching for suspicious criminal behavior, fights, traffic problems, stolen vehicles, and missing persons.

In 1999 the program adopted the name of Phoenix Neighborhood Patrol and its new logo. We have had the opportunity and privilege of training over 4300 citizens in observation skills, criminal codes, police procedures, and drug recognition through non- confrontational methods.

PNP Members average nearly 35,000 miles and 32,000 volunteer hours each year in their Neighborhoods!  This is over $741,000 in value to the community.

Phoenix Police”Faith & Blue” Weekend – Oct 8-11, 2021

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